Globe Town

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Globe Town Market Square update:

The Council is exploring maintenance and management solutions to ensure the Square remains tidy and the trees and shrubs in the planters live healthily.

Meath Gardens Pedestrian Link update:

We have been working closely with National Rail and Queen Mary University, as well as with local Community Groups, to get their feedback on the latest design proposals. A Planning Application that incorporates this feedback will be submitted in early September.

Further updates and opportunities to have your say will be communicated here.

Works delivered to date on the market square include:

  • 18 trees planted on the square (5 native mature + 13 semi-mature and fruit trees)
  • Planters
  • Seating
  • Lighting with integrated power supply – charges paid by Highways/Market Services
  • Festoon lighting
  • Decluttering and repaving
  • Multi-functional space for community events
  • SuDs (sustainable drainage systems)
  • Existing traders pitches retained
  • Green roof waste storage

Still to be delivered:

  • Bike hoops
  • Water tap

Mural update:

The mural was installed in July 2023 - please see the link to the Whitechapel Gallery's page for more information on the local historical images referenced in the artwork Globe Town Mural - Whitechapel Gallery

Community Mural:

The High Streets team partnered with Streets of Growth, and in May 2023 they worked with young people to deliver a painted mural at Windsor House on Usk street Shine Your Light - Community Mural on Usk Street, E2 (

If you have any any questions or queries about these projects, please email

Globe Town Market Square update:

The Council is exploring maintenance and management solutions to ensure the Square remains tidy and the trees and shrubs in the planters live healthily.

Meath Gardens Pedestrian Link update:

We have been working closely with National Rail and Queen Mary University, as well as with local Community Groups, to get their feedback on the latest design proposals. A Planning Application that incorporates this feedback will be submitted in early September.

Further updates and opportunities to have your say will be communicated here.

Works delivered to date on the market square include:

  • 18 trees planted on the square (5 native mature + 13 semi-mature and fruit trees)
  • Planters
  • Seating
  • Lighting with integrated power supply – charges paid by Highways/Market Services
  • Festoon lighting
  • Decluttering and repaving
  • Multi-functional space for community events
  • SuDs (sustainable drainage systems)
  • Existing traders pitches retained
  • Green roof waste storage

Still to be delivered:

  • Bike hoops
  • Water tap

Mural update:

The mural was installed in July 2023 - please see the link to the Whitechapel Gallery's page for more information on the local historical images referenced in the artwork Globe Town Mural - Whitechapel Gallery

Community Mural:

The High Streets team partnered with Streets of Growth, and in May 2023 they worked with young people to deliver a painted mural at Windsor House on Usk street Shine Your Light - Community Mural on Usk Street, E2 (

If you have any any questions or queries about these projects, please email

  • Mural to Clynes House

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    Shiraz Bayjoo proposes a large photographic, collage of archival material that combines the history of Tower Hamlets with the contemporary character of residents today.

    Bayjoo collaborated with the Globe Town community at Tower Hamlets Archives in the summer of 2021, working with sourced images from the archives which reflect the religious, cultural, and symbolic identity of residents today as well as the history of the area.

    The final image reflect these discussions and conversations.

    A vinyl mural will be installed this summer 2023.

  • Site

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    Globe Town market square is located in a predominantly residential area in the Roman Road West Town centre and is walking distance from Bethnal Green Station, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Hospital and Regents Canal. The market square is framed by 3 residential blocks; Bevin, Clynes and Windsor House and a Market that has existed since the 1800s. Globe Town market Square experiences low footfall, issues of waste, anti-social behaviour and has poor lighting.

  • Project aims

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    The proposed market square redesign seeks to improve the quality and quantity of public space, generate creative enterprise opportunities, and provide opportunities for the community to contribute to the design of the public realm.

    The aim is to refurbish an underused public space, support current and new market traders, high street businesses, local community groups and residents. The design approach follows principles of good urban design to create active, well-managed, flexible, green public space and reinforces existing green routes, improves connections, to create a place for the community and a new destination for visitors.

  • Previous consultation + design response

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    The design responds to local engagement with high street businesses, market traders, local community groups and residents. The design has developed in collaboration with Friends of Meath Gardens, Globe Town Assembly, Roman Road Trust, Plastic Free Roman Road, the Cranbrook Community Gardens and Tower Hamlets Homes.

    Engagement was conducted from March to August 2020 and consisted of :

    • 1 to 1 consultation with traders, businesses and gardening group
    • an event hosted on the market square
    • community engagement event hosted over three days in 189 Roman Road
    • pre-consultation meetings to review the detail design with Friends of Meath Gardens and the Cranbrook Community Gardens

    This has resulted in 3 complementary design strategies:

    1. reinforce routes and green corridors through the strategic placing of mature/ semi-mature/fruit trees, planters, and the removal of street clutter.

    2. create a multi-functional space that can accommodate various scales of community events and markets.

    3. improve the night time experience of Globe Town Market by upgrading existing street lights with integrated power supply for market traders, lighting perimeter building soffits and low level lighting to the trees

    Note : In addition we propose to upgrade the quality of the square through the installation of SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) infrastructure & sections of permeable block paving.

    Market square redesign

    Reinforce routes and green corridors

    1. woodland area: 6 large trees, shrubs and ground cover

    2. 5 stand alone mature trees and ground cover

    3. 4 dwarf size wild fruit trees in raised planters

    4. mobile and modular planters : 1.5 x 1.5m

    5. new bin store with green roof

    Create a multi-functional square

    6. linear seating for daily use of the market square that can accommodate temporary tables during events

    7. market pitches arrange in clusters to allow for different activities to take place

    8. integrated power and water supply for the street market. Community events and landscape maintenance.

    Improving night experience

    9. new lamp posts with integrated power, low energy and high output light fittings

    10. ow level lighting to tree canopies

    Drainage & infrastructure

    11. permeable block paving, drainage and SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) infrastructure

    12. reinforced pavement for fire engine access

  • Planting strategy

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    The planting strategy is part of wider ambitions to provide Globe Town with a ‘green corridor’ and will enhance green links between local green routes.Tree pit detail: mature, semi mature and fruit trees with sustainable drainage systems (SuDs)

    The proposed planting scheme responds to the ambitions of local community groups and is composed of 4 types of planted areas that spreads across the square at different scales, and will improve the local biodiversity:

    • 5 mature trees
    • Woodland area, including 6 semi mature trees
    • Mini orchard, including 4 native dwarf fruit trees
    • 4 mobile planters [1.5 x 1.5m minimum] Medicinal, edible, and bee-friendly plants, will attract different types of insects and bees. Attracting pollinators will be important for maintaining the fruit trees in the area, and will provide a useful tool for teaching and workshops. Easily movable, different types of planting could be tested on different locations on the square.

    Bin store for market traders located on the flank wall of Clynes House with green roof (the proposed large scale artwork will be located above the green roof)

    Proposed tree schedule

    Proposed planting schedule

  • Lighting

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    proposed lighting strategy

    The proposed lighting scheme includes the new light columns with integrated power supply for market traders and energy efficient fittings and new lighting to the perimeter businesses. Within the new planted zones low level warm lighting will help discourage anti-social behaviour, a will animate the square at night and support evening trade for businesses.

  • Market support

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    The market layout provides a flexible multiuse space. We are progressing with plans to re-open the arch and create a new walking route between Queen Mary University of London and the town centre via Meath Gardens - this will be subject to the a separate consultation soon.

    These plans along with recruiting new traders will help improve footfall and help activate the square.

    The pitches are clustered with stalls back to back, allowing space between stalls and shops. The market stalls are organised around new six lamp posts for service connection - electric connections and meters are proposed. Utilities bills for lamp columns and power will be paid for by Highways/Market Services.

    Proposed market pitch layout

  • Shiraz Bayjoo

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    Option 1: Ceramic collage with archival images from Stepney library archive focusing on protest movements in-situ

    Option 3:
    Ceramic collage with archival images from Stepney library archive

    Shiraz Bayjoo proposes a large photographic, ceramic collage of archival material that combines the history of Tower Hamlets with the contemporary character of residents today.

    Bayjoo proposes collaborating with residents to source images that reflect the religious, cultural and symbolic identity of residents today as well as the history of the area. This history could include, but is not limited to, the London docks and the textile industry, trade unionism, the welfare state, women’s vote and the area’s famous resilience during the Second World War bombings. The final artwork will include images, symbols and text. Research material will be sourced from local archives including Stepney Library.

    The final artwork will be bright and vibrant, reminiscent of South Asian cinema posters, and it will be made of ceramic tiles, referencing late Victorian ceramic murals local to the area.

    View artist video here

    About Shiraz Bayjoo:

    Shiraz Bayjoo is a Mauritian artist living in London. His work considers ideas of nationhood and identities, often tracing histories of people and places through archival sources – including maps, images, and texts. He creates painting, photographs, installations as well as public artworks and collaborative projects.

  • Rana Begum

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    Colourful sprayed wall-painting that reflects the light

    Elevation drawing of the colourful sprayed wall-painting that reflects the light

    Rana Begum proposes a full-coverage wall painting with a sprayed pattern she describes as ‘an explosion of colour, culture and energy.’

    The bold colours and flurry of sprayed marks represent the vibrancy and activity in the area. The painting is intended to be an energetic and exciting reference to the regenerated market, infusing the area with a sense of positivity, light and joy.

    Begum proposes using many layers of vibrant and pastel colours to create a sense of depth and movement. The circular forms will appear to hover back and forth on the surface of the wall. Begum also proposes using metallic elements in the paint, creating a shiny and iridescent effect. Light will reflect off the surface of the painting, creating different visual effects at different times of day.

    View artist video here

    About Rana Begum:

    Rana Begum. Photo by Anne Purkiss

    Rana Begum was born in Bangladesh and lives and works in London. Her work moves between painting, sculpture and architecture, and investigates the interplay of colour, light and geometry. Begum’s works absorb and reflect varied densities of light to produce an experience for the viewer that is both temporal and sensorial. Her visual language draws from the urban landscape as well as geometric patterns from Islamic art and architecture.

  • Katie Schwab

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    Option 1: Abstract ‘patchwork’ of bright colours and shapes referencing the history of tile and brick production in Tower Hamlets. Glazed brick, ceramic tile, paint.

    Option 2: Abstract ‘patchwork’ of bright colours and shapes referencing the history of tile and brick production in Tower Hamlets. Glazed brick, ceramic tile, paint

    Katie Schwab proposes a collectively-designed abstract mural created to reflect the diversity and distinctiveness of Tower Hamlets and its history.

    Made with ceramic tiles, glazed bricks and painted elements, the final artwork will reference the history of brick and tile production in the borough as well as local architecture. For example, in the 17th and 18th centuries, bricks were made from clay dug from pits around Roman Road West; artist Peggy Angus created printed tiles for the Susan Lawrence/ Elizabeth Lansbury School in Tower Hamlets; and Bethnal Green underground station is decorated with ceramic tiles. Attuned to the intersecting local material, social and cultural histories of Roman Road West, the striking artwork will explore questions around collective memory, public and private space, craft and industrial production.

    Schwab proposes a series of workshops with residents to create a range of designs to form the final artwork, which will be an abstract ‘patchwork’ of bright colours and shapes. Depending on the outcome of these workshops, the final artwork may cover the whole site or a section.

    View artist video here

    About Katie Schwab:

    Katie Schwab. Photo by Sarah Packer

    Katie Schwab is an artist living and working in London. Her work weaves together personal, social, and craft-based histories, often drawing from overlooked traditions of making and working collectively. She has made tapestries, embroideries and furniture, and works with processes including woodblock printing and quilting. Schwab often works collaboratively, involving other people in the design and making of these artworks.

Page last updated: 21 Aug 2024, 04:34 PM