Previous consultation + design response
The design responds to local engagement with high street businesses, market traders, local community groups and residents. The design has developed in collaboration with Friends of Meath Gardens, Globe Town Assembly, Roman Road Trust, Plastic Free Roman Road, the Cranbrook Community Gardens and Tower Hamlets Homes.
Engagement was conducted from March to August 2020 and consisted of :
- 1 to 1 consultation with traders, businesses and gardening group
- an event hosted on the market square
- community engagement event hosted over three days in 189 Roman Road
- pre-consultation meetings to review the detail design with Friends of Meath Gardens and the Cranbrook Community Gardens
This has resulted in 3 complementary design strategies:
1. reinforce routes and green corridors through the strategic placing of mature/ semi-mature/fruit trees, planters, and the removal of street clutter.
2. create a multi-functional space that can accommodate various scales of community events and markets.
3. improve the night time experience of Globe Town Market by upgrading existing street lights with integrated power supply for market traders, lighting perimeter building soffits and low level lighting to the trees
Note : In addition we propose to upgrade the quality of the square through the installation of SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) infrastructure & sections of permeable block paving.
Reinforce routes and green corridors
1. woodland area: 6 large trees, shrubs and ground cover
2. 5 stand alone mature trees and ground cover
3. 4 dwarf size wild fruit trees in raised planters
4. mobile and modular planters : 1.5 x 1.5m
5. new bin store with green roof
Create a multi-functional square
6. linear seating for daily use of the market square that can accommodate temporary tables during events
7. market pitches arrange in clusters to allow for different activities to take place
8. integrated power and water supply for the street market. Community events and landscape maintenance.
Improving night experience
9. new lamp posts with integrated power, low energy and high output light fittings
10. ow level lighting to tree canopies
Drainage & infrastructure
11. permeable block paving, drainage and SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System) infrastructure
12. reinforced pavement for fire engine access