Whitechapel Road Improvements Programme
The Whitechapel Road Improvements Programme will see significant investment in the public spaces around Whitechapel, the market stalls, and associated infrastructure, to create the best possible environment for local communities.
Whitechapel Road is the cultural and historical heart of Whitechapel, and home to its iconic street market. It is experiencing rapid transformation with the arrival of Crossrail, the Council’s new Town Hall, and other forthcoming investments. London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) and Transport for London (TfL) are working in partnership to improve the area in response to emerging developments.
Whitechapel Road has local, neighbourhood and strategic roles. It is a key transport corridor from Stratford into the City, and a thriving centre for commerce, shopping, and leisure, with a distinct local identity. However, the area suffers a number of challenges, including a lack of seating, street clutter, and poor-quality pavements which contribute to the unattractive environment and impact pedestrian flows. There is also a lack of infrastructure to support the market including power, waste management and storage solutions.

Programme Overview
The significant changes in the area, and rise in the profile and function of Whitechapel Road, present an opportunity to deliver improvements to the area. Led by the Council’s Regeneration Team, the Whitechapel Road Improvements Programme focuses on the area of Whitechapel Road from the junctions with New Road and Vallance Road, to Cambridge Heath Road and Sydney Street. The WRIP comprises three strands:
- Public Realm: enhancements to the quality, organisation and functionality of the street to increase accessibility, wayfinding and safety, and clearly define spaces for different uses and activities.
- Market Stalls: upgrades to stalls to create a consistent design and improved shopping environment
- Market Management: Determining a vision for the long-term success of the market and improving the day-to-day function of the market operations.
By addressing the challenges and opportunities in the area, the programme will achieve several benefits. Upgrades to street infrastructure will prioritise pedestrians and sustainable modes of movement to promote accessibility and safety. The commercial and district centre offer will be strengthened by reinvigorating the local market, promoting growth, supporting local traders and businesses while encouraging opportunities for an active night-time economy. The programme will celebrate the diversity and distinctiveness of the local area; introducing public art, supporting temporary events and everyday activities, and enhance the setting of heritage and cultural assets.
Engagement Survey Summary Report
Our consultation survey on the design proposals for Whitechapel Road closed in January 2022, and we would like to thank all those who took part in the survey or attended one of our drop in events.
The aims of the consultation were to find out:
- How people feel about the concept design.
- The perceived impact of the proposals on residents and businesses.
- The impact on how people might travel as a result of the proposals.
- How people living in different areas feel about the area.
- Whether people have any suggested changes to the concept designs.
We have produced a summary report which provides an overview of the engagement activities undertaken, an overview of responses received, including attitudes towards the area, and recommended issues to explore in the detailed design.
To read the report please click on the links, or visit the key documents library on the side bar.
Have Your Say
This page will be the central point for all communication and engagement updates. Progress updates will appear in the news feed below; key information and how to sign up to updates can be accessed via the sidebar on the right.
If you would like to stay informed about the progress of the programme please subscribe. If you have any questions, please email LBTH.Regeneration@towerhamlets.gov.uk.