Exciting Works Update

Southern Footway

The public realm improvement works along the southern footway of Whitechapel Road between New Road and Sidney Street are now largely complete, having been delivered by JB Riney, the Council's highway contractor. Works undertaken include:

  • Replacement of concrete paving slabs with new Yorkstone paving
  • Replacement of concrete kerbs on the cycle lane with new granite kerbs
  • Introduction of street furniture include benches and cycle stands
  • Green areas with planting towards the east of the scheme

A number of small snagging items remain to be completed, including the introduction of new lamp columns with pedestrian lighting; new bins; and the removal of a number of phone boxes. It is anticipated that these will be completed by the end of the calendar year.

Prototype Stalls

Greig & Stephenson Architects have been working with metal design and fabrication firm Contraworx on the design and manufacture of four new prototype stalls to allow Whitechapel Market Traders to test the emerging design. Installation of the prototype stalls has now been completed on the northern footway, with the stalls officially opened by Cllr Abdul Wahid on 30th August 2023.

The prototype will be tested by traders to allow them to provide feedback on the functionality of the stalls, and allow the design team to consider amendments for the next phase. Feedback on the prototype is welcome from all; use the link on the side of this page, or email lbth.regeneration@towerhamlets.gov.uk.

You may notice large concrete blocks along the back edge of the prototype. As the prototype is a temporary structure, the concrete blocks have been designed to secure the structure during testing. The final stalls will not include these blocks, as they will include foundations to support the structure.

Northern Footway

The design team are concurrently working on the evolving designs for the northern footway, including public realm works and the new market stalls. Working closely with Transport for London, the northern footway will look to bring together the public realm and market strands to improve the economic heart of Whitechapel.

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