Results from Survey

We would like to thank all those who took part in our public survey. In total we received 440 responses, with the majority of respondents welcoming improvements to Whitechapel Road, and particularly the market.

Key points from the consultation included:

  • Residents, visitors, and businesses mentioned cleanliness as a key issue, with litter and infrastructure from the market and shops a recurring concern. Suggestions include better storage for refuse, facilities for recycling, and strong pest control measures.
  • More than 60% of respondents cited crime and anti-social behaviour as a safety concern, with hate crime, drug-related offences, and begging mentioned by residents.
  • There were approximately four times as many positive (130) to negative (33) comments about the concept designs for the market. There was support for the concept of a mix of stall types and having some semi-permanent structures to encourage and support different uses.
  • Most respondents voiced a preference for brighter, colourful stalls, although there was a desire for the stalls to be in keeping with the nearby properties and have a cleaner, more modern look.
  • The issue of accessibility was raised and the ability of the market area to remain clear for pedestrians out of operational hours.
  • A lack of seating was highlighted by the majority of respondents. The most popular uses for the public rest areas were for meeting people, resting, eating a snack, and enjoying greenery or artwork. Cycle parking was also raised regularly to encourage sustainable travel.

We will shortly publish a report summarising the results in more detail, and all feedback is being carefully considered as we progress into the next stage of the design process.

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