Public Engagement Survey

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We are seeking the thoughts, opinions and ideas on serious violence and exploitation and how key partners in Tower Hamlets should tackle this issue from people who live in, work in and visit the borough.

Professionals have developed a draft plan on a page, which outlines what they think should be done to tackle serious violence and exploitation. We want to know your thoughts on their proposed approach.

Whether you take part in our consultation by telling us how you feel about serious violence and exploitation locally; complete our short survey, provide feedback on how professionals think violence and exploitation should be addressed or tell us about a personal experience within this context, we want to hear from you.

Be a part of the Tower Hamlets Serious Violence Consultation by:

  • Completing a short survey here
  • Sharing your stories/experiences/knowledge about incidents of serious violence and exploitation here
  • Sharing you thoughts on our ideas board on what you think police, council, probation, education, health and wider partners should do about violence, exploitation and those at risk of being victims or becoming involved with violent offending here
  • Telling us your thoughts about what professionals think we should do to address violence and exploitation (depicted through the plan on a page), here

We are seeking the thoughts, opinions and ideas on serious violence and exploitation and how key partners in Tower Hamlets should tackle this issue from people who live in, work in and visit the borough.

Professionals have developed a draft plan on a page, which outlines what they think should be done to tackle serious violence and exploitation. We want to know your thoughts on their proposed approach.

Whether you take part in our consultation by telling us how you feel about serious violence and exploitation locally; complete our short survey, provide feedback on how professionals think violence and exploitation should be addressed or tell us about a personal experience within this context, we want to hear from you.

Be a part of the Tower Hamlets Serious Violence Consultation by:

  • Completing a short survey here
  • Sharing your stories/experiences/knowledge about incidents of serious violence and exploitation here
  • Sharing you thoughts on our ideas board on what you think police, council, probation, education, health and wider partners should do about violence, exploitation and those at risk of being victims or becoming involved with violent offending here
  • Telling us your thoughts about what professionals think we should do to address violence and exploitation (depicted through the plan on a page), here

Your thoughts, fears, concerns and observations about serious violence and exploitation in Tower Hamlets

We want to capture the voice of those affected by serious violence and exploitation, as well as those that have seen the effects in their local area. Have your say about the things you are concerned with; the things that you are fearful of and what you have observed about Tower Hamlets within the context of serious violence and exploitation. 

Your contributions will help us shape what key services will do to address this issue and support both victims and those involved with violent offending 

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We’ve had drug deals done on the road in front of our apartment building; we’ve had dealers doing deals on the steps. We’ve had young men park where Narrow dead-ends on the Highway and huff and leave canisters everywhere. We have had our bin room broken into; my bicycle was stolen within a month of our moving here. We have had packages stolen from the front lobby and graffiti sprayed onto our building and along the sidewalk and which STILL has not been cleaned off (the sidewalk was done over a year ago).

We have made police reports. We have sent in license plate numbers to the police. In only one instance did the police actually respond and do something (to the repeat offender who stole the packages). For everything else? Nothing. Silence. No added patrols despite our requests. Letters sent to the folks whose license plates we’ve captured on CCTV which don’t seem to do a whit of good.

Policing here is laughable. You have high crime areas which you know about and about which you do nothing.

You want to capture my voice? How about capturing and charging these offenders instead?

Disgusted with TH 5 months ago

From my observations, serious violence and crimes are issues that are cultivated by a lot of resources for youth and young people and not enough opportunities for youth and young people to get involved in the community in a meaningful way. There is little support for parents also and most communities have a bad relationship and poor mindset about youth, displaying this in their interactions. When youth do not feel connected with their community and have nothing to do, rather due to affordability or no access, this creates antisocial behaviour. Property breeds crime. There are so many empty buildings that could be used as teen centres or something that could help youth have more opportunities to volunteer, learn a skill, enjoy a hobby or be a mentor. I see so many opportunities to the community to just lead by example of being kind and courteous. More often I see, bus drivers closing their doors on teens attempting to get access, store employees laughed as a youth fell off his scooter, and the overall attitude towards youth is just disappointing. We as a society have to find more ways to get youth to be invested in their communities and see themselves as an important part of its upkeep. When communities come together with a mindset to help each other for the whole, we all benefit and society is safer.

Geegee 5 months ago

We have one of the highest cycling thefts in London ( as per the headlines in 2023), I have had many reports of people’s bike being stolen from there balconies on first and second floor, when out cycling they have been robbed on them.. On numerous occasion I have had attempts for people trying to take my bike. And more than often they will be carrying an offensive weapon so you will have no choice but to give them your property. What will be done about this,
How will you change the status to Tower Hamlets having a low bike theft rate? What measures will you take to ensure the residents of tower Hamlets are safe when they lock there bikes up at night and when they are cycling?

Nurull Islam 6 months ago
Page last updated: 27 Aug 2024, 11:37 AM