Plumbers Row and Fieldgate Street

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Consultation has concluded

High levels of traffic and congestion on Whitechapel Road, Commercial Road and in the Plumbers Row area have been ongoing for several years. A scoping exercise in July 2023 recommended a new road layout, including new traffic management and crossings, to address this issue. In March 2024 a new road layout was introduced, which included a one-way system on Alder Street, Plumbers Row and Coke Street.

A traffic management review also recommended the following interventions, which the council is now looking to progress:

This project proposes junction improvement works between Mount Terrace and New Road, Stepney Way and New Road, Whitechapel Road, Alder Street and Mulberry Street, and Plumbers Row and Fieldgate Street. Work will also include tree planting, footway improvements, and the removal of redundant crossovers.

This project proposes footway improvements and planting on Coke Street, and as part of the junction improvements on Alder Street, the works will extend the existing raised junction to the entrance to Altab Ali Park.

This project addresses the shortfall in electric vehicle charging across the borough in line with the 2022-2027 Tower Hamlets Air Quality Action Plan and the Tower Hamlets Transport Strategy.

As part of this scheme, the zebra crossing on Stepney Way will be removed, and a new zebra crossing will be installed on New Road. This is to allow more parking spaces to be available on Stepney Way.

Some of the simple elements have moved to implementation. We would like to know your views on some scheme proposals, which are included in the survey below.

High levels of traffic and congestion on Whitechapel Road, Commercial Road and in the Plumbers Row area have been ongoing for several years. A scoping exercise in July 2023 recommended a new road layout, including new traffic management and crossings, to address this issue. In March 2024 a new road layout was introduced, which included a one-way system on Alder Street, Plumbers Row and Coke Street.

A traffic management review also recommended the following interventions, which the council is now looking to progress:

This project proposes junction improvement works between Mount Terrace and New Road, Stepney Way and New Road, Whitechapel Road, Alder Street and Mulberry Street, and Plumbers Row and Fieldgate Street. Work will also include tree planting, footway improvements, and the removal of redundant crossovers.

This project proposes footway improvements and planting on Coke Street, and as part of the junction improvements on Alder Street, the works will extend the existing raised junction to the entrance to Altab Ali Park.

This project addresses the shortfall in electric vehicle charging across the borough in line with the 2022-2027 Tower Hamlets Air Quality Action Plan and the Tower Hamlets Transport Strategy.

As part of this scheme, the zebra crossing on Stepney Way will be removed, and a new zebra crossing will be installed on New Road. This is to allow more parking spaces to be available on Stepney Way.

Some of the simple elements have moved to implementation. We would like to know your views on some scheme proposals, which are included in the survey below.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Plumbers Row project aims to address traffic management issues on Whitechapel Road, Commercial Road and the intersection at Plumbers Row, Alder Street, Coke Street, Greenfield Road and New Road. This project will reduce congestion and prevent vehicle idling in line with the Air Quality Action Plan Action 25.

    Consultation has concluded
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