Project Background
Petticoat Lane is the name of the famous East End market, running along mainly Middlesex Street and Wentworth Street. The street offers fashion, bric-a-brac, luggage, souvenirs, hairdressers, cafés and hot food. Many businesses are independent family-run; the street is free of chain stores. Shops and markets serve mostly local residents, budget-conscious customer base or niche business, as well as office workers from nearby areas. The pandemic has hit local businesses and market stall holders hard and has exacerbated further decline in the street as business income is reduced and some businesses are forced to close.
Petticoat Lane is a designated conservation area, which is in a poor condition and is registered on Historic England's list of 'Heritage at Risk' due to loss of historic details, inappropriate change and lack of maintenance. Developmental pressure from neighbouring areas such as Bishopsgate, Spitalfields and Aldgate and from within the conservation area threaten the special historic character of the conservation area and put it at risk of losing its designation. Paradoxically, it is this lack of investment in the conservation area has meant that Wentworth Street has retained much of its historic quality and charm of mainly 19th century low rise, narrow frontage, fine grain buildings and the market stalls, creating a continuous, harmonious and charming townscape.
Current regeneration plans will use the built historic environment on Wentworth Street and neighbouring streets to act as a catalyst to support local businesses by developing its distinctive identity and the social vitality of the street. Funding for the programme comes from LBTH through section 106 obligations as part of the 'Middlesex Street Regeneration Programme' and from Historic England through the national 'High Street Heritage Action Zone' funding scheme. The programme has as its goal making the high street a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work and spend time.
- Leyden Street Toilets - Refurbishment and conversion of the Leyden Street toilets to re-provide a ground level public accessible toilet as well as a new commercial space for a food & beverage operator.
- Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail - A project to showcase the history of the Petticoat Lane Market and the surrounding area through a series of characters and stories from the past. The project is community-led involving local researchers, photographers and oral historians, with the support of the London Historic Buildings Trust and other local stakeholders. At the end of the trail there will be a 10-stop heritage trail in the form of plaques in the area with a accompanying website - Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail
- Public Realm Improvements - Redesigning and creating new public space within the Petticoat Lane Market area. Creating green spaces and places for seating to enjoy on market days as well as lighting, wayfinding and pavement upgrades.
If you would like more information about any of these projects, please contact the project lead, Anna Zucchelli at or call 0207 345 6854 to arrange a callback.
All updates provided below.
Latest update - 3 December 2024 (Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail)
Call for contributions: share your stories and memories of Petticoat Lane
London Historic Buildings Trust are on the look out for stories of Petticoat Lane to contribute to the Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail.
The Trail will be made up of physical installations around the area, with links to further online content made up of research conducted by local people.
Stories and memories will be recorded by one of the Project Oral Historians, and will add further narratives and personal stories to bring information about the past to life.
If you:
- Have a connection to Petticoat Lane
- Want to contribute to the history of this ever-changing area
- Feel comfortable having your voice or written words shared online in the digital Heritage Trail site
- Have a spare 1-2 hours to take part in a recording session
Please contact Laura Owen, the Heritage Trail Project Officer, at for more information and to express your interest in participating.
We are looking for people of all ages, walks of life and backgrounds to take part to make sure that we capture stories that represent this diverse and vibrant area. We are particularly excited to hear stories of young people, migrant voices, disabled stories, LGBTQ+ memories and those who consider themselves to be newcomers to the area in addition to long-time Cockney residents.
If you are unsure or have any questions, please reach out to have an informal chat with someone from the team.
Update - 24 October 2024 (Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail)
The second steering group meeting was held on 23 October at Artizan Library. We discussed the potential themes for the heritage trail. Have your say on the themes here - Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail: Consultation
1. Housing and housing reform: 'slums', model housing, reformers eg Henrietta Barnet, and charitable patrons eg Charlotte Rothschild.
2. Washhouses, communal washing, toilets, baths, swimming pools, washing clothes as well as bodies, ritual (secular and religious), drying/tenter grounds.
3. Food: diverse food cultures and practices, novelty and quality of food, restaurants, slaughter-house, individuals eg Marks of the Lane, Polly Nathan, Tubby Isaacs.
4. Fashion and clothes: trend-setting role of the market, garment trade, shops selling up to the minute fashion and shoes at a fraction of west end prices, factories/ 'sweat shops', piece work taken in the home, so extra source of income.
5. Migration and diverse communities: range of incoming communities eg French Huguenot, Irish, Jewish, Russian, German, Danish, Bengali, African-American GIs in WW2, where did different communities meet? places of worships, clubs, schools, restaurants etc, arrivals and finding one's way, Ayub Ali Master
6. Education and learning: diverse local schools eg Jews' Free School, Ragged School, Board school, Lutheran school, libraries, bookshops, evening classes, war-time evacuation and emigration, life journeys of individuals, strong oral testimony.
7. A child's view/experience - looking a child's daily experiences of the market, school, play, toys and sports, work, illness and mortality, vaccination: careers and routes out of the area. To be written to appeal to today's children.
8. Performance and theatre: from 16th century, home to formal theatre as well as informal performance, entertainment in pubs, clubs and in the market, language of trading in the market, characters such as Mike Stern and Prince Monolulu.
9. Global trade and commodities: warehouses, importing, industries eg sugar refining and smoking of salmon, tea, all from the Port of London, wealth of business owners contrasted with poverty of many residents
10. Trail-blazers: the people who made a difference of who were pioneers, campaigning for others' welfare, representing their communities, championing and protecting the Market, Mike Stern, Henriette Barnett, Phyllis Wheatley, Manny Shinwell etc.
Update - 17 October 2024 (Leyden Street toilets)
Vegetation will be cleared from the site today. A deep clean will occur 23-25 October 2024.
A contractor to complete the capital works to the toilets will be appointed soon. Expected start on site will be early 2025, with completion by the end of summer 2025.
Update - 27th August 2024
Leyden Street toilets
Tower Hamlets council have tendered for a new contractor to complete the refurbishment and conversion works of the Leyden Street toilets. The council is currently evaluting the tender responses and will appoint a contractor soon. The works are expected to recommence on site in the autumn and last for approximately eight months.
The council recently received complaints about the vacant site. A deep clean of the site has been requested.
Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail
Phase 2 of the Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail project began this summer. The project scoope is shown below. The project will last for one year and is part funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Tower Hamlets Council.

Update - 5th October 2023 (Leyden Street toilets)
Some great progress has now been made on site by our landscape contractor Rineys who have now started laying the new York Stone paving along Leyden Street. With new linear ACO-drainage across the kerbs which will managed and reduce any pooling of water that has been an issue here in the past.
In the upcoming weeks we will be installing 5 new trees along the street.

Update - 10th August 2023 (Leyden Street toilets)
Rineys have now been appointed and carrying out deep excavating works to the basement roof of the Leyden Street toilets, to carefully install new waterproofing that will protect the asset and reduce any potential water ingress in the future. These works are estimated to be completed by end of August with the next stage to lay out new paving, drainage and new trees installed.

Update - 5th June 2023 (Leyden Street)
Unfortunately due to delays with the main contractor for Leyden Street, the public realm works were postponed to June. We are now pleased to inform you that these works will now be beginning from the 6th June - 12th August 2023. This will include the digging up of the existing carriageway to lay down new waterproofing material for the basement roof of the toilets, installing new paving across the footway and carriageway that will now make it a pedestrianised zone only, installing new Silver Birch trees, seating and planters for public use.
Once these works are complete, the remaining works will then be carried out to complete the final elements of the basement and then installing a new above ground structure to serve as a cafe space and provide public accessible toilets also.
Update - 12th April 2023 (Leyden Street)
Due to issues unbeknown to the Council, there were areas of water ingress coming into the Leyden Street Toilets. So construction works were halted in early March 2023 to address this issue and identify the source. Works were carried out by Aspect and have been a success. This will now be monitored over the next few weeks to ensure this has been a successful permanent solution.
Additionally, the above ground work to the carriageway and footway will now be starting on the 24th April 2023. These works are anticipated to take between 5-6 weeks.
Update - 30th January 2023 (Shopfront Improvement Scheme)
Following a review of the Capital Delivery Programme across the Council; it has been decided that the Shopfront Improvement Scheme will no longer be progressing.
Update - 10th October 2022 (Petticoat Lane Art Trail)
We are pleased to announce and share the completed mural from Jacob v Joyce at Pomell Way. Jacob V Joyce's piece, titled ‘Nourishing Disruptions’ design aims to provide “a moment of serenity that disrupts the endless construction and labour demanded by an ever-changing cityscape”. The design incorporates the buddleia plant, which grow on many rooftops across East London. Joyce said the plant “represents a defiant nature, an ability to put down roots in hostile environments and humble beauty that can sometimes go unnoticed.” One voter noted that they felt Joyce’s concept “represents the local area, champions youth and creativity and points positively to the future”.
If you have an opportunity, please take time to visit the site and see the mural in all its beauty.

Update - 30th August 2022 (Shopfront Improvement Scheme)
The High Streets team are pleased to announce that we have received full planning permission for all 16 businesses that are part of the Shopfront Improvement Scheme. That list includes:
28 Wentworth St | 26 Wentworth St | 24 Wentworth St | 24a Wentworth St | 22 Wentworth St | 20 Wentworth St | 18 Wentworth St | 16 Wentworth St |
12 Wentworth St | 10 Wentworth St | 8 Wentworth St | 6 Wentworth St | 72 Middlesex St | 19 Wentworth St | 27/27a Wentworth St | 29 Wentworth St |

We are now in the process of selecting a contractor to carry out the works to these properties. Announcement will be in October 2022.

Update - 8th August 2022 (Petticoat Lane Art Trail)
Following the survey carried out back in May, we are pleased to announce that the artist that was voted by the public the most is Jacob v Joyce. They will be now carrying out consultation with members of the local community helped by the Whitechapel Gallery.
Work will aim to begin at the end of September 2022. Watch this space!

Update - 24th May 2022 (Petticoat Lane Art Trail)
Pomell Way Art Mural
This survey has now finished and the results are being considered by a final community panel.
As part of the Petticoat Lane Art Trail Programme, we are introducing a vibrant Art Trail to the area which, along with other art initiatives, will see a new mural be placed on Pomell Way.
Through a set of community consultations, we have shortlisted three local artists that have submitted designs based on the area's rich history.
0Pomell Way Gable Wall (Left Red Area)
Update - 5th May 2022 (Leyden Street Toilets)
Leyden Street Toilets - Construction Started
The High Streets are excited to announce that construction has now started on Leyden Street for the refurbishment of the Leyden Street Toilets.
Topcoat Construction Limited were appointed back in April 2022 and are now undertaking the first stages of construction.
As part of the construction brief, key features such as the original railings, terrazzo flooring, oriinal bollards manufactured by Wells & Co (a local ironmongers company) and the internal original tiling will be retained. As well as utilising the groundfloor window lights as natural light for the basement use.
Work is expected to be completed by December 2022.
Males Sections
Project Background
Petticoat Lane is the name of the famous East End market, running along mainly Middlesex Street and Wentworth Street. The street offers fashion, bric-a-brac, luggage, souvenirs, hairdressers, cafés and hot food. Many businesses are independent family-run; the street is free of chain stores. Shops and markets serve mostly local residents, budget-conscious customer base or niche business, as well as office workers from nearby areas. The pandemic has hit local businesses and market stall holders hard and has exacerbated further decline in the street as business income is reduced and some businesses are forced to close.
Petticoat Lane is a designated conservation area, which is in a poor condition and is registered on Historic England's list of 'Heritage at Risk' due to loss of historic details, inappropriate change and lack of maintenance. Developmental pressure from neighbouring areas such as Bishopsgate, Spitalfields and Aldgate and from within the conservation area threaten the special historic character of the conservation area and put it at risk of losing its designation. Paradoxically, it is this lack of investment in the conservation area has meant that Wentworth Street has retained much of its historic quality and charm of mainly 19th century low rise, narrow frontage, fine grain buildings and the market stalls, creating a continuous, harmonious and charming townscape.
Current regeneration plans will use the built historic environment on Wentworth Street and neighbouring streets to act as a catalyst to support local businesses by developing its distinctive identity and the social vitality of the street. Funding for the programme comes from LBTH through section 106 obligations as part of the 'Middlesex Street Regeneration Programme' and from Historic England through the national 'High Street Heritage Action Zone' funding scheme. The programme has as its goal making the high street a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work and spend time.
- Leyden Street Toilets - Refurbishment and conversion of the Leyden Street toilets to re-provide a ground level public accessible toilet as well as a new commercial space for a food & beverage operator.
- Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail - A project to showcase the history of the Petticoat Lane Market and the surrounding area through a series of characters and stories from the past. The project is community-led involving local researchers, photographers and oral historians, with the support of the London Historic Buildings Trust and other local stakeholders. At the end of the trail there will be a 10-stop heritage trail in the form of plaques in the area with a accompanying website - Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail
- Public Realm Improvements - Redesigning and creating new public space within the Petticoat Lane Market area. Creating green spaces and places for seating to enjoy on market days as well as lighting, wayfinding and pavement upgrades.
If you would like more information about any of these projects, please contact the project lead, Anna Zucchelli at or call 0207 345 6854 to arrange a callback.
All updates provided below.
Latest update - 3 December 2024 (Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail)
Call for contributions: share your stories and memories of Petticoat Lane
London Historic Buildings Trust are on the look out for stories of Petticoat Lane to contribute to the Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail.
The Trail will be made up of physical installations around the area, with links to further online content made up of research conducted by local people.
Stories and memories will be recorded by one of the Project Oral Historians, and will add further narratives and personal stories to bring information about the past to life.
If you:
- Have a connection to Petticoat Lane
- Want to contribute to the history of this ever-changing area
- Feel comfortable having your voice or written words shared online in the digital Heritage Trail site
- Have a spare 1-2 hours to take part in a recording session
Please contact Laura Owen, the Heritage Trail Project Officer, at for more information and to express your interest in participating.
We are looking for people of all ages, walks of life and backgrounds to take part to make sure that we capture stories that represent this diverse and vibrant area. We are particularly excited to hear stories of young people, migrant voices, disabled stories, LGBTQ+ memories and those who consider themselves to be newcomers to the area in addition to long-time Cockney residents.
If you are unsure or have any questions, please reach out to have an informal chat with someone from the team.
Update - 24 October 2024 (Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail)
The second steering group meeting was held on 23 October at Artizan Library. We discussed the potential themes for the heritage trail. Have your say on the themes here - Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail: Consultation
1. Housing and housing reform: 'slums', model housing, reformers eg Henrietta Barnet, and charitable patrons eg Charlotte Rothschild.
2. Washhouses, communal washing, toilets, baths, swimming pools, washing clothes as well as bodies, ritual (secular and religious), drying/tenter grounds.
3. Food: diverse food cultures and practices, novelty and quality of food, restaurants, slaughter-house, individuals eg Marks of the Lane, Polly Nathan, Tubby Isaacs.
4. Fashion and clothes: trend-setting role of the market, garment trade, shops selling up to the minute fashion and shoes at a fraction of west end prices, factories/ 'sweat shops', piece work taken in the home, so extra source of income.
5. Migration and diverse communities: range of incoming communities eg French Huguenot, Irish, Jewish, Russian, German, Danish, Bengali, African-American GIs in WW2, where did different communities meet? places of worships, clubs, schools, restaurants etc, arrivals and finding one's way, Ayub Ali Master
6. Education and learning: diverse local schools eg Jews' Free School, Ragged School, Board school, Lutheran school, libraries, bookshops, evening classes, war-time evacuation and emigration, life journeys of individuals, strong oral testimony.
7. A child's view/experience - looking a child's daily experiences of the market, school, play, toys and sports, work, illness and mortality, vaccination: careers and routes out of the area. To be written to appeal to today's children.
8. Performance and theatre: from 16th century, home to formal theatre as well as informal performance, entertainment in pubs, clubs and in the market, language of trading in the market, characters such as Mike Stern and Prince Monolulu.
9. Global trade and commodities: warehouses, importing, industries eg sugar refining and smoking of salmon, tea, all from the Port of London, wealth of business owners contrasted with poverty of many residents
10. Trail-blazers: the people who made a difference of who were pioneers, campaigning for others' welfare, representing their communities, championing and protecting the Market, Mike Stern, Henriette Barnett, Phyllis Wheatley, Manny Shinwell etc.
Update - 17 October 2024 (Leyden Street toilets)
Vegetation will be cleared from the site today. A deep clean will occur 23-25 October 2024.
A contractor to complete the capital works to the toilets will be appointed soon. Expected start on site will be early 2025, with completion by the end of summer 2025.
Update - 27th August 2024
Leyden Street toilets
Tower Hamlets council have tendered for a new contractor to complete the refurbishment and conversion works of the Leyden Street toilets. The council is currently evaluting the tender responses and will appoint a contractor soon. The works are expected to recommence on site in the autumn and last for approximately eight months.
The council recently received complaints about the vacant site. A deep clean of the site has been requested.
Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail
Phase 2 of the Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail project began this summer. The project scoope is shown below. The project will last for one year and is part funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Tower Hamlets Council.

Update - 5th October 2023 (Leyden Street toilets)
Some great progress has now been made on site by our landscape contractor Rineys who have now started laying the new York Stone paving along Leyden Street. With new linear ACO-drainage across the kerbs which will managed and reduce any pooling of water that has been an issue here in the past.
In the upcoming weeks we will be installing 5 new trees along the street.

Update - 10th August 2023 (Leyden Street toilets)
Rineys have now been appointed and carrying out deep excavating works to the basement roof of the Leyden Street toilets, to carefully install new waterproofing that will protect the asset and reduce any potential water ingress in the future. These works are estimated to be completed by end of August with the next stage to lay out new paving, drainage and new trees installed.

Update - 5th June 2023 (Leyden Street)
Unfortunately due to delays with the main contractor for Leyden Street, the public realm works were postponed to June. We are now pleased to inform you that these works will now be beginning from the 6th June - 12th August 2023. This will include the digging up of the existing carriageway to lay down new waterproofing material for the basement roof of the toilets, installing new paving across the footway and carriageway that will now make it a pedestrianised zone only, installing new Silver Birch trees, seating and planters for public use.
Once these works are complete, the remaining works will then be carried out to complete the final elements of the basement and then installing a new above ground structure to serve as a cafe space and provide public accessible toilets also.
Update - 12th April 2023 (Leyden Street)
Due to issues unbeknown to the Council, there were areas of water ingress coming into the Leyden Street Toilets. So construction works were halted in early March 2023 to address this issue and identify the source. Works were carried out by Aspect and have been a success. This will now be monitored over the next few weeks to ensure this has been a successful permanent solution.
Additionally, the above ground work to the carriageway and footway will now be starting on the 24th April 2023. These works are anticipated to take between 5-6 weeks.
Update - 30th January 2023 (Shopfront Improvement Scheme)
Following a review of the Capital Delivery Programme across the Council; it has been decided that the Shopfront Improvement Scheme will no longer be progressing.
Update - 10th October 2022 (Petticoat Lane Art Trail)
We are pleased to announce and share the completed mural from Jacob v Joyce at Pomell Way. Jacob V Joyce's piece, titled ‘Nourishing Disruptions’ design aims to provide “a moment of serenity that disrupts the endless construction and labour demanded by an ever-changing cityscape”. The design incorporates the buddleia plant, which grow on many rooftops across East London. Joyce said the plant “represents a defiant nature, an ability to put down roots in hostile environments and humble beauty that can sometimes go unnoticed.” One voter noted that they felt Joyce’s concept “represents the local area, champions youth and creativity and points positively to the future”.
If you have an opportunity, please take time to visit the site and see the mural in all its beauty.

Update - 30th August 2022 (Shopfront Improvement Scheme)
The High Streets team are pleased to announce that we have received full planning permission for all 16 businesses that are part of the Shopfront Improvement Scheme. That list includes:
28 Wentworth St | 26 Wentworth St | 24 Wentworth St | 24a Wentworth St | 22 Wentworth St | 20 Wentworth St | 18 Wentworth St | 16 Wentworth St |
12 Wentworth St | 10 Wentworth St | 8 Wentworth St | 6 Wentworth St | 72 Middlesex St | 19 Wentworth St | 27/27a Wentworth St | 29 Wentworth St |

We are now in the process of selecting a contractor to carry out the works to these properties. Announcement will be in October 2022.

Update - 8th August 2022 (Petticoat Lane Art Trail)
Following the survey carried out back in May, we are pleased to announce that the artist that was voted by the public the most is Jacob v Joyce. They will be now carrying out consultation with members of the local community helped by the Whitechapel Gallery.
Work will aim to begin at the end of September 2022. Watch this space!

Update - 24th May 2022 (Petticoat Lane Art Trail)
Pomell Way Art Mural
This survey has now finished and the results are being considered by a final community panel.
As part of the Petticoat Lane Art Trail Programme, we are introducing a vibrant Art Trail to the area which, along with other art initiatives, will see a new mural be placed on Pomell Way.
Through a set of community consultations, we have shortlisted three local artists that have submitted designs based on the area's rich history.
0Pomell Way Gable Wall (Left Red Area)
Update - 5th May 2022 (Leyden Street Toilets)
Leyden Street Toilets - Construction Started
The High Streets are excited to announce that construction has now started on Leyden Street for the refurbishment of the Leyden Street Toilets.
Topcoat Construction Limited were appointed back in April 2022 and are now undertaking the first stages of construction.
As part of the construction brief, key features such as the original railings, terrazzo flooring, oriinal bollards manufactured by Wells & Co (a local ironmongers company) and the internal original tiling will be retained. As well as utilising the groundfloor window lights as natural light for the basement use.
Work is expected to be completed by December 2022.
Males Sections