Consultation on introducing dog-control Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)
Why is a Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) needed?
PSPOs are aimed at ensuring public spaces safety so they can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour.
Through this consultation, we are asking for your feedback on our proposals aiming to ensure that people and dogs share our valuable spaces safely.
We know that the vast majority of dogs are well behaved and their owners are law abiding and respectful of others around them. We know that dogs ownership is a very positive experience for many residents, providing companionship and improving exercise rates and mental health of their owners. It is not the intention of a PSPO to demonise all dogs nor penalise responsible dog owners. A PSPO will help us to establish some sensible rules and expectations for dog owners.
The decision to consult on the introduction of a PSPO in Tower Hamlets is in response to a number of enquiries regarding the policy for dangerous dogs in the borough and following a recent spate of high-profile incidents involving out of control nuisance dogs and their owners. Many residents are nervous about the presence of large and intimidating-looking dogs in the borough's parks and green spaces.
The aim of the public consultation is to seek views from all Tower Hamlets residents and interested groups about the range of control measures we can implement through a PSPO.
What will the Dog Control PSPO include?
We are consulting on the following areas:
- A ‘dog fouling of land’ prohibition. This order makes it an offence if dog owners do not remove their dog’s faeces straightaway and dispose of it in the proper way.
- A ‘dogs on leads by direction’ requirement. This order gives authorised officers the power to request that dogs be put on a lead in situations where they are not under the appropriate control of their owner, or where they are causing damage or acting aggressively towards other dogs or people.
- A ‘dog exclusion’ prohibition. This order identifies certain areas in the borough where dogs are not allowed.
- A ‘dogs on leads’ requirement. This order identifies areas where dogs must be on a lead at all times.
- A ‘maximum number of dogs’ requirement. This order means that there is a limit on the number of dogs someone can walk at one time and gauge opinion on introducing a license for professional dog walkers who may walk a larger number of dogs, as specified by their insurance.
The following people would be exempt from the Dog Control PSPO:
- a blind person and / or a person with a physical or mental disability who uses a dog for assistance, trained by a member of Assistance Dogs UK or any other UK registered charity whose activities include the training of dogs.
- a dog used by the police or other agencies permitted by the Council for official purposes:
- anyone who has been given permission by the owner, occupier or person in charge of the land (private land), not to comply with the order.
What area would the PSPO cover?
A PSPO can be carried out in a public place, which is defined in the legislation as ‘any place to which the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission. The PSPO would apply to the whole of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets area.
How will the PSPO be enforced?
Any person not complying with a PSPO can be issued by an Authorised Officer a fixed penalty notice (FPN) of £100 Fixed Penalty Notice. They can be taken to court if the fine is not paid within the specified timeframe. A person guilty of an offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale (£1,000) unless:
- they have the consent from the owner, occupier or person in charge of the land, not to comply with the order (private land)
- they have a reasonable excuse for failing to comply, or
- they fall within one of the other exemptions within the order, such as the exemptions in the order for persons who are registered disabled and persons who have a registered assistance dog.
How long will the PSPO last?
A PSPO lasts for three years. After that we would decide whether to renew it in consultation with residents.
Further information: Follow the link for the Cabinet report seeking permission to consult - Tower Hamlets Council - Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 24th July, 2024, 5.30 p.m.