Cressy Place Proposal - Consultation Events in April 2023
Following our dialogue with residents about the proposal of new homes at Cressy Place in 2021/2022, the Council will be holding two consultation events on the below dates;
Date | Time | Location |
Wednesday 12th April 2023 | 4pm - 7pm | Stepney City Farm, Stepney Way, E1 3DG |
Saturday 15th April | 10am - 1pm | Stifford Centre, 2-6 Cressy Place, E1 3JG |
The proposed development provides a total of 31 affordable homes and includes the re-provision of the Stifford Community Centre. 10% of the unit mix is proposed to be wheelchair accessible units located on the ground floor, with allocation for blue badge parking.
The consultation period will run until Sunday 30th April 2023, so if you are unable to make either of the above events you can still use our survey form to tell us your thoughts.
Cressy Place Proposal - Consultation Material
Welcome to our Public Exhibition.
The Mayor is committed to making Tower Hamlets a place where people can live in high quality and affordable homes. The council will work with developers and housing associations to build a minimum of 1,000 social homes for rent per annum (4,000 over the next four years) with a focus on 3-4 bedroom homes.
This is the third iteration of scheme design. The first design, presented in 2020, was a much larger scheme providing 40 - 45 affordable homes with the inclusion of a new community centre. This was a concept scheme which the Council decided not to pursue. The second design of this scheme was smaller, providing up to 25 affordable homes and no provision of a Community Centre. It is now thought that the site can provide 31 homes now proposed as well as the re-provision of the Community Centre.
The site fronts onto Cressy Place, and is a 3 minute walk away from Stepney Green Station to the North. To the south-east is Stepney Green Park which is a 4 minute walk.
Site shown with proximity to local train stations
The Site
Existing Site
A key guiding key principle of the scheme proposals is optimising the housing potential of the site in a manner respectful of surrounding context and character, particularly of the adjacent Conservation Area to the north and west. Minimising encroachment into the existing green open space is also a key consideration so the proposed building is situated on the existing hard-standing & community centre area, which also reinstates the historical streetscape of Cressy Place.
Cressy Place - 1948
Neighbouring buildings are predominantly four-storey apartment blocks, most notably Cressy and Dunston Houses, which have relatively generous floor-to-ceiling heights, pitched roofs, chimneys and additional decorative features.
Post-war blocks to the east and south are of a simpler architectural style and form.
Existing Massing - aerial view from the southwest
Existing site analysis
The proposed development provides a total of 31 affordable homes, comprising largely family-sized housing (3 & 4 bed dwellings) according to identified need and includes the re-provision of the Stifford Community Centre with a facility of the same size & specification.
Proposed unit mix

Proposed Ground Floor Plan (including map key)
Proposed First Floor Plan
Proposed Second & Third Floor Plan
Proposed Fourth Floor Plan
10% of the unit mix is proposed to be wheelchair accessible units, located on the ground floor, with allocation for blue badge parking. Resident and community centre cycle parking and refuse storage will be located within the building, with capacity meeting local planning requirements. Additional short stay cycle parking is proposed on-street. The proposed scheme will be a car free development and will include a dedicated zone for delivery vehicles on Cressy Place.
The existing communal green space is proposed as retained and enhanced, with new play provision and “rain garden” arrangement to assist in surface water management.
Proposed Ground Floor Plan and Landscaping
The proposal is intended to echo the local character with use of brick frontages and a combination of simple, efficient building forms and motifs such as arched opening and inset balconies to reflect existing features.
The simple form of the building will contribute towards an ultra-low energy development. Energy and sustainability principles for the development will pay particular attention to thermal efficiency, a “fabric first” approach to avoid unnecessary energy use. Any residual Carbon emissions remaining will be offset in line with the council’s net zero carbon target, set out in Local Plan Policy D.ES7.
Proposed Streetscape View from Stepney Green
Proposed Streetscape View from Jamaica Street
Proposed Streetscape view from Redmans Road
Proposed Aerial View from Southwest
Proposed Site Plan
Proposed Cross Section
In order to achieve a bridge across Tinsley Road of sufficient size to contain useable accommodation, the northern-most façade of the proposed building sits on the back edge of pavement, partially reinstating the historic street frontage facing Cressy House.
As a result, to avoid overlooking issues, the form of the building along Cressy Place incorporates a series of projecting bays responding to the width and rhythm of the projecting bays opposite.
The primary façade forming the street frontage is envisaged as a wrap or skin contrasting with the main body of the building which is set back a further 4m.
The articulation of the primary façade is informed by some of the key features of Cressy House and Dunstan House, in particular the projecting bays and arched window heads. This occurs as a repeating arch motif which is most strongly expressed at street level with inset arches animating the public realm.
At the upper floors, vertical groups of windows project out towards the north. These provide views out only to the sides and no across Cressy Place. Windows within the northern face of these elements will be set behind a perforated metal skin, minimising views out whilst providing good levels of natural light within the dwellings.
View from west along Cressy Place towards Stepney Green Gardens
Concept diagram illustrating articulation of primary (red) and secondary (yellow) facades
View from south across communal amenity space
Facade diagrams
Cressy Place Geographical Survey Works
The map below shows where the council needs to carry out borehole site investigations; these works were previously carried out in August 2022. However, works are required for the proposed new housing development at Cressy Place, and as part of the ongoing design development for the proposal, the council needs to test both compliance and policy details. A contractor has been appointed to carry out these essential site survey works. The site investigation works are to test the ground conditions for the proposed development and to inform the design on below and above ground conditions and specifications.
The Council is expecting external engineers, Milvum Engineering Services to be present on site for one day only, Friday 10th February 2023, to undertake ground investigation works.
They will use a breaker machinery tool to break the tarmac in a few borehole locations, which will be noisy for a short period of time. The drilling process is reasonably noisy, but this will be kept to a minimum and will take place between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm.
Please contact in the first instance if you need any further clarification on the works. Alternatively please call 020 7364 2985 and a message can be taken on your behalf for further clarification.

Cressy Place Proposal - Consultation Events in April 2023
Following our dialogue with residents about the proposal of new homes at Cressy Place in 2021/2022, the Council will be holding two consultation events on the below dates;
Date | Time | Location |
Wednesday 12th April 2023 | 4pm - 7pm | Stepney City Farm, Stepney Way, E1 3DG |
Saturday 15th April | 10am - 1pm | Stifford Centre, 2-6 Cressy Place, E1 3JG |
The proposed development provides a total of 31 affordable homes and includes the re-provision of the Stifford Community Centre. 10% of the unit mix is proposed to be wheelchair accessible units located on the ground floor, with allocation for blue badge parking.
The consultation period will run until Sunday 30th April 2023, so if you are unable to make either of the above events you can still use our survey form to tell us your thoughts.
Cressy Place Proposal - Consultation Material
Welcome to our Public Exhibition.
The Mayor is committed to making Tower Hamlets a place where people can live in high quality and affordable homes. The council will work with developers and housing associations to build a minimum of 1,000 social homes for rent per annum (4,000 over the next four years) with a focus on 3-4 bedroom homes.
This is the third iteration of scheme design. The first design, presented in 2020, was a much larger scheme providing 40 - 45 affordable homes with the inclusion of a new community centre. This was a concept scheme which the Council decided not to pursue. The second design of this scheme was smaller, providing up to 25 affordable homes and no provision of a Community Centre. It is now thought that the site can provide 31 homes now proposed as well as the re-provision of the Community Centre.
The site fronts onto Cressy Place, and is a 3 minute walk away from Stepney Green Station to the North. To the south-east is Stepney Green Park which is a 4 minute walk.
Site shown with proximity to local train stations
The Site
Existing Site
A key guiding key principle of the scheme proposals is optimising the housing potential of the site in a manner respectful of surrounding context and character, particularly of the adjacent Conservation Area to the north and west. Minimising encroachment into the existing green open space is also a key consideration so the proposed building is situated on the existing hard-standing & community centre area, which also reinstates the historical streetscape of Cressy Place.
Cressy Place - 1948
Neighbouring buildings are predominantly four-storey apartment blocks, most notably Cressy and Dunston Houses, which have relatively generous floor-to-ceiling heights, pitched roofs, chimneys and additional decorative features.
Post-war blocks to the east and south are of a simpler architectural style and form.
Existing Massing - aerial view from the southwest
Existing site analysis
The proposed development provides a total of 31 affordable homes, comprising largely family-sized housing (3 & 4 bed dwellings) according to identified need and includes the re-provision of the Stifford Community Centre with a facility of the same size & specification.
Proposed unit mix

Proposed Ground Floor Plan (including map key)
Proposed First Floor Plan
Proposed Second & Third Floor Plan
Proposed Fourth Floor Plan
10% of the unit mix is proposed to be wheelchair accessible units, located on the ground floor, with allocation for blue badge parking. Resident and community centre cycle parking and refuse storage will be located within the building, with capacity meeting local planning requirements. Additional short stay cycle parking is proposed on-street. The proposed scheme will be a car free development and will include a dedicated zone for delivery vehicles on Cressy Place.
The existing communal green space is proposed as retained and enhanced, with new play provision and “rain garden” arrangement to assist in surface water management.
Proposed Ground Floor Plan and Landscaping
The proposal is intended to echo the local character with use of brick frontages and a combination of simple, efficient building forms and motifs such as arched opening and inset balconies to reflect existing features.
The simple form of the building will contribute towards an ultra-low energy development. Energy and sustainability principles for the development will pay particular attention to thermal efficiency, a “fabric first” approach to avoid unnecessary energy use. Any residual Carbon emissions remaining will be offset in line with the council’s net zero carbon target, set out in Local Plan Policy D.ES7.
Proposed Streetscape View from Stepney Green
Proposed Streetscape View from Jamaica Street
Proposed Streetscape view from Redmans Road
Proposed Aerial View from Southwest
Proposed Site Plan
Proposed Cross Section
In order to achieve a bridge across Tinsley Road of sufficient size to contain useable accommodation, the northern-most façade of the proposed building sits on the back edge of pavement, partially reinstating the historic street frontage facing Cressy House.
As a result, to avoid overlooking issues, the form of the building along Cressy Place incorporates a series of projecting bays responding to the width and rhythm of the projecting bays opposite.
The primary façade forming the street frontage is envisaged as a wrap or skin contrasting with the main body of the building which is set back a further 4m.
The articulation of the primary façade is informed by some of the key features of Cressy House and Dunstan House, in particular the projecting bays and arched window heads. This occurs as a repeating arch motif which is most strongly expressed at street level with inset arches animating the public realm.
At the upper floors, vertical groups of windows project out towards the north. These provide views out only to the sides and no across Cressy Place. Windows within the northern face of these elements will be set behind a perforated metal skin, minimising views out whilst providing good levels of natural light within the dwellings.
View from west along Cressy Place towards Stepney Green Gardens
Concept diagram illustrating articulation of primary (red) and secondary (yellow) facades
View from south across communal amenity space
Facade diagrams
Cressy Place Geographical Survey Works
The map below shows where the council needs to carry out borehole site investigations; these works were previously carried out in August 2022. However, works are required for the proposed new housing development at Cressy Place, and as part of the ongoing design development for the proposal, the council needs to test both compliance and policy details. A contractor has been appointed to carry out these essential site survey works. The site investigation works are to test the ground conditions for the proposed development and to inform the design on below and above ground conditions and specifications.
The Council is expecting external engineers, Milvum Engineering Services to be present on site for one day only, Friday 10th February 2023, to undertake ground investigation works.
They will use a breaker machinery tool to break the tarmac in a few borehole locations, which will be noisy for a short period of time. The drilling process is reasonably noisy, but this will be kept to a minimum and will take place between 8.00 am and 5.00 pm.
Please contact in the first instance if you need any further clarification on the works. Alternatively please call 020 7364 2985 and a message can be taken on your behalf for further clarification.