Albert Jacob House - Proposed Development
Update January 2025
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has now submitted a planning application for the proposed development at Albert Jacob House– planning reference PA/24/02227. The application was validated on 23rd December 2024.
For further information visit
Update August 2024
Proposed Demolition – Prior Approval Application at Albert Jacob House, Roman Road, E2 0PG.
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets would like to inform you that in due course the Council is intending to submit a prior approval application to the local planning authority for the purposes of demolition only of the former offices building at the above site (see Appendix 1). It is anticipated that these works will start early in the new year (2025).
The current design team have been progressing the proposals for the site with a view to submit a planning application in Autumn 2024. Several non-statutory Community Consultation events have been held on the scheme, as follows:
Community Consultation Event 1: Wednesday 17th January 2024 (Bethnal Green Library), and Saturday 20th January 2024 (Bethnal Green Library)
Community Consultation Event 2: Wednesday 1st May 2024 (Bethnal Green Library) and Saturday 4th May 2024 (Tramshed Community Hub)
Community Consultation Event 3: Wednesday 12th June 2024 (Tramshed Community Hub) and Saturday 15th June 2024 (Bethnal Green Library)
Unfortunately, the proposed demolition works will result in some increased traffic, noise, and disturbance over the temporary period of the planned works, of which the Council will take steps to mitigate in order to minimise any impacts on residents and businesses within the immediate location.
Mitigation measures for example will include:
• Due to the proximity of several schools (Morpeth Secondary School, Bagabandhu Primary School, Bonner Primary School and Globe Primary School), the Contractor will ensure that construction vehicle deliveries do not arrive at the site during peak periods and school/nursery opening and closing times
• Construction vehicles will route past the Tramshed Community Hub, however the number of vehicle movements will be relatively low and will be confined to 09:30-16:30 (09:30 – 15:00 in school term time)
• Restricted hours of operation between 8am-6pm according to standard site working hours restrictions
• No working on Sundays or Bank Holidays
• Restricted vehicular movement and size of vehicles to and from site
• Dust and air quality control measures
• Code of conduct from the contractor(s)
• Health and Safety to both workers on site and the public
• Temporary parking suspensions
Should you have any comments, concerns or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Council via by no later than 30 August 2024.
Below is the link to the Site notice of Application for prior approval for demolition of a buliding.
Update June 2024
Working in collaboration with Child Graddon Lewis Architects & Designers, we are proposing an exciting new development, consisting of much needed 100% affordable homes and potential commercial space. The scheme will provide improvements to the building’s overall appearance and immediate surroundings, and will include new green space, pedestrian routes, and new play space.
This will be our third community consultation for this scheme. We look forward to hearing your feedback and any questions that you may have about the proposed development.
We will be hosting two drop-in sessions where you can speak to the project team and the architects directly regarding this development. The details of these sessions are provided below.
Consultation Event 1
Date: Wednesday 12th June 2024
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Location: Tramshed Community Hub, Digby Street, London, E2 0LS
Consultation Event 2
Date: Saturday 15th June 2024
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Bethnal Green Library, Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0HL
At the consultations, you will be shown indicative imagery of the proposed development and will be able to give us feedback in order to shape the future of Albert Jacob House.
The consultation period for all feedback will end on Wednesday 26th June 2024. Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to access the online feedback form.
We look forward to seeing you at the event, but if you have any queries in the meantime, you can email:
Below are the links to the Albert Jacob House Consultation boards these can also be viewed by clicking the documents folder on the right of this page.
Update April 2024
On behalf of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, we would like to invite you to participate in a community consultation process regarding the proposed development of Albert Jacob House E2 0PG.
Working in collaboration with Child Graddon Lewis Architects & Designers, we are proposing an exciting new development, consisting of much needed 100% affordable homes and potential commercial space. The scheme will provide improvements to the building’s overall appearance and immediate surroundings, and will include new green space, pedestrian routes, and new play space.
This will be our second community consultation for this scheme. We look forward to hearing your feedback and any questions that you may have about the proposed development.
We will be hosting two drop-in sessions where you can speak to the project team and the architects directly regarding this development. The details of these sessions are provided below.
Consultation Event 1
Date: Wednesday 1st May 2024
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Location: Bethnal Green Library, Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0HL
Consultation Event 2
Date: Saturday 4th May 2024
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Tramshed Community Hub, Digby Street London E2 0LS
At the consultations, you will be shown indicative imagery of the proposed development and will be able to give us feedback in order to shape the future of Albert Jacob House.
The consultation period for all feedback will end on Sunday 19th May 2024.
We look forward to seeing you at the event, but if you have any queries in the meantime, you can email:
Below are the links to the Albert Jacob House Consultation boards these can also be viewed by clicking the documents folder on the right of this page.
January 2024
What is the Albert Jacob House Project?
Working in collaboration with Child Graddon Lewis Architects & Designers, we are proposing an exciting new development for Albert Jacob House, consisting of much needed 100% affordable homes and potential commercial space. The scheme will provide improvements to the building’s overall appearance and immediate surroundings, and will include new green space, pedestrian routes, and new play space.
Below are the links to the Albert Jacob House Consultation boards these can also be viewed by clicking the documents folder on the right of this page.
Why do we need to build?
The Council has more than 24,000 households on its housing register, with many residents in acute housing need. We have our own house building programme and together with partners we are committed to building 4,000 social homes for rent, with a focus on 3-to-4-bedroom family homes, in line with the Mayor’s strategic priorities. This project will be delivered by the Council and is one of several Council owned sites that have been identified for regeneration and infill development.
Have your say, and get involved!
We want the community to be involved in part of something that makes the local area better now and for the future. We are holding 2 initial drop in events as follows;
Consultation Event 1
Date: Wednesday 17th January 2024
Time: 4pm – 7pm
Location: Bethnal Green Library, Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0HL
Consultation Event 2
Date: Saturday 20th January 2024
Time: 10am – 1pm
Location: Bethnal Green Library, Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London, E2 0HL
What is our timeline for community consultation and feedback?
These will be our first community consultation events for this scheme and we look forward to hearing your feedback and any questions that you may have about the proposed development. Following the consultation events the consultation period for all feedback will end on Wednesday 7th February 2024.