South Poplar Masterplan SPD

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Tower Hamlets adopted the South Poplar Masterplan SPD on 28 July 2021.

The South Poplar Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides additional guidance on the development of sites within the South Poplar Area. The SPD supports the new Local Plan to 2031, in particular the allocated sites of Aspen Way, Billingsgate Market and North Quay. The masterplan also responds to the Mayor of London’s Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Opportunity Area Planning Framework and the new London Plan.

The development of the masterplan’s strategies and principles has been supported by architectural and urban design consultants Maccreanor Lavington. The document has been developed in partnership with the Greater London Authority and Transport for London.

The South Poplar Masterplan SPD was prepared under Regulations 11 to 16 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Early-stage feedback was incorporated into the draft that was presented for public consultation, which took place between March and April 2021. A summary of the comments received during the public consultations and the Council’s response to them are set out in the Consultation Statement attached to the side of this web-page.

Copies of the adopted SPD will be made available for public inspection at the Council's offices.

Aerial view of masterplan area

Why is this SPD needed and how does it relate to the Local Plan?

In order to effectively and meaningfully implement recently adopted local regional and national policies, the masterplan has been developed to address key principles including connectivity, open space, housing, community cohesion, employment, sustainability, heritage and identity.

The South Poplar Masterplan SPD is now a material consideration to help determine planning applications within the designated masterplan area. This means that in addition to satisfying the requirements of national, regional and local planning policies, development proposals will also need to demonstrate how the guidance in this SPD has been considered.

The masterplan will help facilitate comprehensive development whilst also ensuring that practical requirements are deliverable and viable. Overall, it is intended for South Poplar to share in the benefits of good growth, improved transport capacity and connectivity, be provided with social infrastructure alongside development, benefit from joined up development across different land ownership and be protected against the construction impacts of future developments. The masterplan will optimise land around a transport hub and provide more certainty within the development management process.

The Masterplan Area

Strategic location view of masterplan area

Tower Hamlets adopted the South Poplar Masterplan SPD on 28 July 2021.

The South Poplar Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) provides additional guidance on the development of sites within the South Poplar Area. The SPD supports the new Local Plan to 2031, in particular the allocated sites of Aspen Way, Billingsgate Market and North Quay. The masterplan also responds to the Mayor of London’s Isle of Dogs and South Poplar Opportunity Area Planning Framework and the new London Plan.

The development of the masterplan’s strategies and principles has been supported by architectural and urban design consultants Maccreanor Lavington. The document has been developed in partnership with the Greater London Authority and Transport for London.

The South Poplar Masterplan SPD was prepared under Regulations 11 to 16 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Early-stage feedback was incorporated into the draft that was presented for public consultation, which took place between March and April 2021. A summary of the comments received during the public consultations and the Council’s response to them are set out in the Consultation Statement attached to the side of this web-page.

Copies of the adopted SPD will be made available for public inspection at the Council's offices.

Aerial view of masterplan area

Why is this SPD needed and how does it relate to the Local Plan?

In order to effectively and meaningfully implement recently adopted local regional and national policies, the masterplan has been developed to address key principles including connectivity, open space, housing, community cohesion, employment, sustainability, heritage and identity.

The South Poplar Masterplan SPD is now a material consideration to help determine planning applications within the designated masterplan area. This means that in addition to satisfying the requirements of national, regional and local planning policies, development proposals will also need to demonstrate how the guidance in this SPD has been considered.

The masterplan will help facilitate comprehensive development whilst also ensuring that practical requirements are deliverable and viable. Overall, it is intended for South Poplar to share in the benefits of good growth, improved transport capacity and connectivity, be provided with social infrastructure alongside development, benefit from joined up development across different land ownership and be protected against the construction impacts of future developments. The masterplan will optimise land around a transport hub and provide more certainty within the development management process.

The Masterplan Area

Strategic location view of masterplan area

Page published: 08 Aug 2022, 01:56 PM