Electric vehicle charging in Tower Hamlets

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In March 2019 the council declared a climate emergency. This commits the council to becoming a net a net zero carbon council by 2025 and a net zero carbon borough by 2050 or sooner. Reducing emissions from transport will be a key part of our achieving out carbon reduction commitments.

Furthermore, Tower Hamlets has the fifth highest level of air pollution in London and around 40% of our residents live in areas that breach EU and government guidance on safe levels of air pollution. The swift transition to electric vehicles will be one of the most important actions to achieve our net zero and air quality objectives.

Current provision of public charging points in Tower Hamlets

There are three types of charging point that are often publicly available. Since 2018 we have installed 23 fast charging points through the Source London network and slow charging points on street lighting columns through Ubitricity and Char.gy. The locations of all charging points in Tower Hamlets can be found on the Zap Map website.


Tower Hamlets Council is looking to expand its electric vehicle-charging network to further support the adoption of low emission electric vehicles and reduce air pollution across the borough. The demand for Electric Vehicle (EV) in Tower Hamlets is very high and continue to grow annually. To meet the demands of this growth the council is working to add more charging points to its existing network.

In March 2019 the council declared a climate emergency. This commits the council to becoming a net a net zero carbon council by 2025 and a net zero carbon borough by 2050 or sooner. Reducing emissions from transport will be a key part of our achieving out carbon reduction commitments.

Furthermore, Tower Hamlets has the fifth highest level of air pollution in London and around 40% of our residents live in areas that breach EU and government guidance on safe levels of air pollution. The swift transition to electric vehicles will be one of the most important actions to achieve our net zero and air quality objectives.

Current provision of public charging points in Tower Hamlets

There are three types of charging point that are often publicly available. Since 2018 we have installed 23 fast charging points through the Source London network and slow charging points on street lighting columns through Ubitricity and Char.gy. The locations of all charging points in Tower Hamlets can be found on the Zap Map website.


Tower Hamlets Council is looking to expand its electric vehicle-charging network to further support the adoption of low emission electric vehicles and reduce air pollution across the borough. The demand for Electric Vehicle (EV) in Tower Hamlets is very high and continue to grow annually. To meet the demands of this growth the council is working to add more charging points to its existing network.

Page last updated: 18 Jul 2024, 10:30 AM